Molecular Markers: RFLP AFLP RAPD SNP Procedure - barefoot farmbooks
During the Last three decades, molecular markers have been used extensively
in various genetic studies. Molecular marker is a DNA segment of known or
unknown structure and function which is tightly linked with desired gene or
based on Generation:
1st Generation:
2nd Generation:
3rd Generation: SNP
Based on Protocol:
PCR based Marker: RAPD
Non PCR based Marker: RFLP
In this article I will give you a general protocol regarding RFLP, RAPD,
AFLP and a small note about SNP.
RFLP (Restrictions Fragment Length Polymorphism):
The main principal of RFLP is same restrictions endonuclease produce DNA fragments of different length from same stretch of genomic DNA of different individual or different species or related species. When two or more genotype is treated in this manner any variation in the length of individual fragments among genotype will be recorded as polymorphic marker.
General protocol is -
High amount of purified and intact
DNA is required.
Then the DNA is treated with
Restrictions Endonuclease (RE)
The fragments is separated through
gel electrophoresis
This gel is placed into alkaline
solution to denatured the double stranded DNA
Denatured DNA is then transferred
in nitrocellulose membrane. A nitrocellulose paper is placed on the upper side
of the gel. 3-4 filter papers are placed on the nitrocellulose paper. Buffer is
move from beneath the gel to upper filter paper. This buffer movement transfer
DNA from gel to nitrocellulose membrane. This is called blotting.
Pre- hybridization buffer is used
as blocking agent. Blocking reagent present in this occupy available binding
site on membrane.
Radioactive probe then add in
nitrocellulose membrane. Probe is bind with specific base sequence present in
DNA fragments.
The bands to which the probe has
hybridized are detected by autoradiography
Any variation among band position
consider as a RFLP marker
RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA):
RAPD is a PCR based marker. It
denotes a genomic region that is amplified in some but not in other individual
of a population when their DNA is subjected to PCR using same oligonucleotide
In this process 10-12 base pair
long primer is needed. The primers can be designed without the experimenter
having any genetic information of organisms being tested
The genomic DNA of selected strain
is mixed with an excess of selected primer and other reagents needed for PCR
and used for DNA amplification in PCR
The genomic segment contain
inverted copies of the sequence complementary to the primer is amplified. Two
primers should point towards each other and distance among them should be 100bp
to 1500bp. The two primers should place in complementary DNA strands. If two primers
placed in same DNA strands and distance among them is more than 2000bp than no
amplification occur.
DNA strains having complementary
sequence of primer produced distinct band in agarose gel but less no of bands
or no bands can observed in the DNA strain having less no of complementary
sequence or no complementary sequence present
Any variation among bands consider
as RAPD marker.
AFLP: (Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)
To conduct AFLP, purified and intact
DNA is required. Then the DNA is divested by two different Restriction
Endonuclease (RE). One of the Restriction Endonuclease is frequent cutter and
other one is rare cutter.
After this adapter is added to
digested fragments. An adapter is a short, chemically synthesized, single or
double stranded oligonucleotide having sticky ends to both or one end. It means
that a specific adapter should have sticky end of specific RE. Thus adapter can
ligated with DNA fragment digested by that specific RE.
In AFLP two adapters is required
because DNA is cut by 2 different Restriction Endonuclease. Adapter is ligated
with DNA fragment having 2 different sticky ends.
In this picture adapter is
attached with DNA fragment having sticky ends created by EcoRI and MseI.
After ligation of adapter designed
primer is bind with specific site. Primer are designed to bind to following
sequence --- Ligated adapter + Recognition site of Restrictions Endonuclease +
1-3 chosen base ( nucleotide base just after Recognition site)
This kind of Designed primer helps
to polymerization of DNA fragment.
PCR is conducted after this and PCR
products are run through Gel electrophoresis to obtain different banding
DNA isolated from different strain
of same species or different species or different genus gives different banding
pattern. Selection of specific gene or traits can be done by study different
banding pattern obtains from AFLP process.
BONUS: SNP(Single Nucleotide Polymorphism ):
RFLP, RAPD, AFLP all are gel electrophoresis based assay. This gel
based assay is costly and time consuming.
Thus new kind of molecular marker is developed which can be detected by
either non-gel based assay or through microarrays. SNP represent sites where
DNA sequence differs by a single base .Two or more genotype is tested and any
mismatch of a single base suggests the presence of SNP
Reviewed, Scrutinized and Edited by Divyacrotu Majumder (Admin, barefoot farmbooks)
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